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  [Question]   Planning And Installing Bioenergy Systems 02/07/2006 14:58:54 (+0700) | #1 | 3114

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Planning And Installing Bioenergy Systems

Planning And Installing Bioenergy Systems
German Solar Energy Society (DGS), Ecofys | PDF | ~17MB | 232 pages | Earthscan (Jan 2005) | ISBN: 1844071324

Bioenergy is relied upon worldwide as a modern solution for local energy supply and waste management. Including clear technical details, data tables and illustrative pictures explaining the fundamentals of different bioenergy projects, this guide reviews the main technologies and offers relevant best-practice examples.

Beginning with an overview of the technologies and types of system available, this guide is packed with essential `know-how` on anaerobic digestion, bio-fuels, small-scale ovens, large-scale boilers and gasifiers. Each technology is explained by examining the overall system and its components, planning, operation, maintenance, installation and economics. Information is given on both heat and combined heat and power. In addition, the international legal framework, relevant subsidies and fiscal incentives are also described.

This book should be essential reading for anyone involved in the design, installation or operation of a bioenergy system.

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