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Forum Index Thông tin về các địa chỉ và tài liệu hữu ích Wireless Operational Security (Paperback)  XML
  [Question]   Wireless Operational Security (Paperback) 01/07/2006 07:28:49 (+0700) | #1 | 2709

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Wireless Operational Security (Paperback)

This comprehensive wireless network book addresses the operational and day-to-day security management requirements of 21st century companies. Wireless networks can easily be reconfigured, are very mobile, allow for potentially nonstop exposure, and require the level of security be scrutinized even more than for wired networks. This includes inherent security flaws in various wireless architectures that result in additional risks to otherwise secure converged wired networks. An even worse scenario is one where an insecure wireless network is connected to a weakly secured or insecure wired network and the wireless subnet is not separated from the wired subnet. There are approximately a dozen popular books that cover components of the architecture, design, theory, issues, challenges, and recommended policies for wireless security, none of which address them in a practical, operationally-oriented and comprehensive way. Wireless Operational Security bridges this gap.

*Presents a new “WISDOM” model for Wireless Security Infrastructures
*Acts as a critical guide to implementing “Converged Networks” wired/wireless with all necessary security considerations
*Rittinghouse’s Cybersecurity Operations Handbook is the only security book recommended by the FCC

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