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Forum Index Thông tin về các địa chỉ và tài liệu hữu ích Question about PullThePlug wargame level14?  XML
  [Question]   Question about PullThePlug wargame level14? 08/04/2011 09:39:16 (+0700) | #1 | 235061

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Joined: 07/04/2011 21:51:23
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vortex14@games ~ $ cat /vortex/level14.txt
0000000: 3e20 7369 6c6c 796c 6576 656c 2d2d 50db > sillylevel--P.
0000010: 5b09 6cce f698 0a3c 20fb 763e 64d3 7294 [.l....< .v>d.r.
0000020: 8fa6 a94d 43c8 a485 b809 c6c2 fa69 5196 ...MC........iQ.
0000030: 0a3e 20fb 763e 64d3 72ab bf93 8f64 21ae .> .v>d.r....d!.
0000040: d8e3 be0a ....

Now I am working with vortex wargame level14.
0000018:20fb 763e 64d3 72
0000032:20fb 763e 64d3 72
These bytes are the same, so I think it used some xor algorithm to encrypt.
So the encryption key length is 13 or 26.

But I don't know what to do next.
Can someone give me some hint or just tell me the answer?
Thanks a lot!
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