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Forum Index Thông tin về các địa chỉ và tài liệu hữu ích Programming Python  XML
  [Document]   Programming Python 19/01/2011 08:13:11 (+0700) | #1 | 229796

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Programming Python By Mark Lutz
Publisher: O'R e i l l y Me dia 2010 | 1630 Pages | ISBN: 0596158106 | PDF + EPUB | 49 MB

If you've mastered Python's fundamentals, you're ready to start using it to get real work done. Programming Python will show you how, with in-depth tutorials on the language's primary application domains: system administration, GUIs, and the Web. You'll also explore how Python is used in databases, networking, front-end scripting layers, text processing, and more. This book focuses on commonly used tools and libraries to give you a comprehensive understanding of Python’s many roles in practical, real-world programming.
You'll learn language syntax and programming techniques in a clear and concise manner, with lots of examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms. Completely updated for version 3.x, Programming Python also delves into the language as a software development tool, with many code examples scaled specifically for that purpose.

Topics include:

* Quick Python tour: Build a simple demo that includes data representation, object-oriented programming, object persistence, GUIs, and website basics
* System programming: Explore system interface tools and techniques for command-line scripting, processing files and folders, running programs in parallel, and more
* GUI programming: Learn to use Python’s tkinter widget library
* Internet programming: Access client-side network protocols and email tools, use CGI scripts, and learn website implementation techniques
* More ways to apply Python: Implement data structures, parse text-based information, interface with databases, and extend and embed Python

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  [Document]   Programming Python 19/01/2011 13:17:50 (+0700) | #2 | 229816

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ò no no!!! chưa đọc xong cuốn 3 mà h ra tái bản 4 rồi, tốc độ của mình chậm quá smilie
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