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  [Question]   Programming Windows Server 2003 22/06/2006 02:15:07 (+0700) | #1 | 608

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Programming Windows Server 2003

Designed to help developers understand the new features of Windows Server 2003, this book demonstrates how to apply these features to new and existing .NET applications. A sample application and several different phases of the software development life cycle are followed. The new features of the .NET framework 1.1, Internet Information Services 6.0, and COM+ 1.5 are covered, as are the best practices of writing ASP.NET applications. The ways in which applications can take advantage of these features to improve performance and reliability are also discussed. Information on XML web services and how these services can use Windows Server 2003’s UDDI Services for an enterprise-wide implementation of web services is included. In addition, how to best secure applications by applying different techniques that are available both in Windows Server 2003 and the .NET Framework is discussed.

Quản lý máy chủ, cài đặt, tư vấn, thiết kế, bảo mật hệ thống máy chủ dùng *nix
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