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Forum Index Thông tin về các địa chỉ và tài liệu hữu ích [Ebooks]Joseph D.Sloan - Network Troubleshooting Tools  XML
  [Question]   [Ebooks]Joseph D.Sloan - Network Troubleshooting Tools 10/12/2007 23:10:17 (+0700) | #1 | 103171

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Network Troubleshooting Tools helps you sort through the thousands of tools that have been developed for debugging TCP/IP networks and choose the ones that are best for your needs. It also shows you how to approach network troubleshooting using these tools, how to document your network so you know how it behaves under normal conditions, and how to think about problems when they arise so you can solve them more effectively.

Chapter 1
This chapter attempts to describe network management and troubleshooting in an
administrative context. It discusses the need for network analysis and probing tools, their
appropriate and inappropriate uses, professionalism in general, documentation practices, and

the economic ramifications of troubleshooting. If you are familiar with the general aspects of
network administration, you may want to skip this chapter.

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is a review of tools and techniques used to configure or determine the configuration
of a networked host. The primary focus is on built-in utilities. If you are well versed in Unix
system administration, you can safely skip this chapter.

Chapter 3
Chapter 3 describes tools and techniques to test basic point-to-point and end-to-end network
connectivity. It begins with a brief discussion of cabling. A discussion of ping, ping variants,
and problems with ping follows. Even if you are very familiar with ping, you may want to
skim over the discussion of the ping variants.

Chapter 4
This chapter focuses on assessing the nature and quality of end-to-end connections. After a
discussion of traceroute, a tool for decomposing a path into individual links, the primary
focus is on tools that measure link performance. This chapter covers some lesser known tools,
so even a seasoned network administrator may find a few useful tools and tricks.

Chapter 5
This chapter describes tools and techniques for capturing traffic on a network, primarily
tcpdump and ethereal, although a number of other utilities are briefly mentioned. Using this
chapter requires the greatest understanding of Internet protocols. But, in my opinion, this is
the most important chapter in the book. Skip it at your own risk.
Chapter 6
This chapter begins with a general discussion of management tools. It then focuses on a few
tools, such as nmap and arpwatch, that are useful in piecing together information about a
network. After a brief discussion of network management extensions provided for Perl and
Tcl/Tk, it concludes with a discussion of route and network discovery using tkined.

Chapter 7
Chapter 7 focuses on device monitoring. It begins with a brief review of SNMP. Next, a
discussion of NET SNMP (formerly UCD SNMP) demonstrates the basics of SNMP. The
chapter continues with a brief description of using scotty to collect SNMP information.
Finally, it describes additional features of tkined, including network monitoring. In one sense,
this chapter is a hands-on tutorial for using SNMP. If you are not familiar with SNMP, you
will definitely want to read this chapter.

Chapter 8
This chapter is concerned with monitoring and measuring network behavior over time. The
stars of this chapter are ntop and mrtg. I also briefly describe using SNMP tools to retrieve

RMON data. This chapter assumes that you have a thorough knowledge of SNMP. If you
don't, go back and read Chapter 7.

Chapter 9
This chapter describes several types of tools for examining the behavior of low-level
connectivity protocols, protocols at the data link and network levels, including tools for
custom packet generation and load testing. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion of
emulation and simulation tools. You probably will not use these tools frequently and can
safely skim this chapter the first time through.

Chapter 10
Chapter 10 looks at several of the more common application-level protocols and describes
tools that may be useful when you are faced with a problem with one of these protocols.
Unless you currently face an application-level problem, you can skim this chapter for now.

Chapter 11
This chapter describes a number of different tools that are not really network troubleshooting
or management tools but rather are tools that can ease your life as a network administrator.
You'll want to read the sections in this chapter that discuss tools you aren't already familiar

Chapter 12
When dealing with a complex problem, no single tool is likely to meet all your needs. This
last chapter attempts to show how the different tools can be used together to troubleshoot and
analyze performance. No new tools are introduced in this chapter.
Arguably, this chapter should have come at the beginning of the book. I included it at the end
so that I could name specific tools without too many forward references. If you are familiar
with general troubleshooting techniques, you can safely skip this chapter. Alternately, if you
need a quick review of troubleshooting techniques and don't mind references to tools you
aren't familiar with, you might jump ahead to this chapter.
3 giai đoạn của con... người, ban đầu dek biết gì thì phải thăm dò, sau đó biết rồi thì phải thân thiết, sau cùng khi quá thân thiết rồi thì phải tình thương mến thương. Nhưng mà không thương được thì ...
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