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  [Question]   [Ebooks]Perl Books for win32 (Rapidshare+orthers) 28/10/2007 23:45:29 (+0700) | #1 | 93544

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In this carefully paced course, leading Perl trainers and a Windows NT practitioner teach you to program in the language that promises to emerge as the scripting language of choice on NT. Based on the "llama" book, this book features tips for PC users and new NT-specific examples, along with a foreword by Larry Wall, the creator of Perl, and Dick Hardt, the creator of Perl for Win32.

The contents include:

* An introduction to “the Perl way” for Windows users
* A quick tutorial stroll through Perl in one lesson
* Systematic, topic-by-topic coverage of Perl’s broad capabilities
* Innumerable, brief code examples
* Programming exercises for each topic, with fully worked-out answers
* Access to NT system functions through Perl
* Database access with Perl
* CGI programming with Perl
* Perl modules for OLE automation and the Registry


This book is a guide to Perl?s most common Win32 extensions, grouped by their functionality. The new edition updates coverage from Perl 5.05 to current Perl version 5.6. It also includes new chapters offering critical, badly-needed information regarding security for Win32Perl, the topic most highly requested by reviewers.

The appendices have descriptions and syntax of each function in the extensions covered. Each chapter makes extensive use of code segments to illustrate the use of specific functions and real world scenarios in which these functions can be used.

Written for those with some previous knowledge of Perl, Scott McMahan's Automating Windows with Perl brings the spirit of Perl to Windows along with several handy sample scripts that can simplify the life of any administrator or advanced programmer.

Instead of a tutorial on the basics of Perl, this book concentrates on explaining the philosophy of Perl on Unix and what it's good for on the Windows platform. In short, concise chapters, McMahon provides sample scripts for specific tasks done in Win32 Perl. For example, there's a cron utility (for scheduling) and another script for sending mail via SMTP. For administrators, the book shows how to automate nightly backups of directories into .ZIP files.

For programmers, it shows that the traditional advantages of Perl for managing builds translates well into Win32, where it can be used to automate virtually any programming build. There is also a simple example of a COM object created in Visual C that can be scripted using Perl. Coverage of Win32 Perl CGI shows what CGI is and how it works. Later sections cover a wide variety of short topics, such as which code editor to use, and a number of custom utilities that can inspire you to think of ways to use Perl in real-world settings.

This short book doesn't aim to be comprehensive. Instead, it provides a nice selection of sample scripts, as well as a guide to understanding the spirit of Perl and the real advantages it offers for any Windows administrator or developer. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Perl history and overview, a Win32 Perl cron utility, using SMTP e-mail with Win32 Perl, automated backups, Microsoft Office 97 automation, integrating project executables: "smoke testing," automating rebuilds, C add-ins for Perl with Visual C , CGI scripting, and Perl hints and tips.
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