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  [Question]   [Ebooks] Windows NT Workstation Configuration and Maintenance 28/10/2007 23:22:23 (+0700) | #1 | 93540

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Windows NT Workstation Configuration & Maintenance introduces a strategy for automating certain aspects of Windows NT Workstation 4 administration. The authors’ ideas center on the use of Perl scripts–some of them on the client side, some of them on a network server–to handle various dull, repetitive tasks. If you’re proficient with Perl and would rather leverage that knowledge than develop proficiency with Microsoft’s proprietary tools for automated administration, this book contains information you’ll want.

The authors cover scheduled execution of scripts with at, winat, and various aftermarket schedulers; describe how to run scripts at logon; and deserve special praise for their attention to running scripts as system services. They explain how srvany and instsrv (both in the Resource Kit) work, and show how to run Perl programs with them. They also present interesting ideas on writing client-resident Perl scripts that update themselves as needed by consulting a master version of themselves on a server. Readers will also find coverage on scripting file cleanup, reporting, log analysis, network identity manipulation, and security issues, revealing much about the Registry along the way. The book also saves Perl programmers a lot of trouble in its explanation of how to encapsulate multiple administration functions in a module. –David Wall

Chapter 1, Introduction, gives an overview of the issues involved in configuring
and maintaining a fleet of NT workstations. It also introduces the Perl language,
the scripting tool used throughout the book.

Chapter 2, Running a Script Without User Intervention, discusses various methods
of getting scripts (or any other programs for that matter) to run on a workstation
without being explicitly invoked by a user. This involves an explanation of a num-
ber of registry keys, the creation of accounts for scripting, and use of NT services.

Chapter 3, Remote Script Management, develops the techniques discussed in
Chapter 2 by showing how to write scripts that always keep themselves up-to-date
and introduces the concept of a “stub” script, a sort of mother script that keeps
any number of others in check.

Chapter 4, System Maintenance, puts these script-invocation techniques to use by
demonstrating how many mundane maintenance tasks can be scripted. We give
examples of scripts for automating some common maintenance procedures.

Chapter 5, Controlling Services and Drivers, discusses a variety of tools and tech-
niques that can be used to diagnose service and driver problems. This includes an
investigation of event logs and some of the more obscure parts of the NT registry.

Chapter 6, Machine-Specific Scripting, demonstrates the writing of scripts whose
behavior differs depending on the specific workstation on which they are being

Chapter 7, Changing Network Identity, combines techniques discussed in the pre-
vious chapters to illustrate the writing of scripts that can totally change the net-
work identity of a workstation on a non-DHCP network.

Chapter 8, Script Safety and Security, takes a step back and discusses the security
implications of scripting. It also outlines a development approach that should
ensure (as much as possible) the writing of safe, reliable, maintainable scripts.

Chapter 9, A Custom Module, takes many script fragments from previous chapters,
makes them generic, and shows how they can be wrapped within a single mod-
ule that, once created, drastically simplifies the scripting process.

The Appendix, Perl Module Functions, provides a brief discussion of the use of
Perl in the book, as well as a summary of all the module functions that we have
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