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Forum Index Thảo luận hệ điều hành Windows Utility Ping v2.1.2  XML
  [Question]   Utility Ping v2.1.2 25/06/2007 08:20:33 (+0700) | #1 | 66757

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Joined: 06/05/2004 00:46:10
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Utility Ping -- Main Features
A handy and powerful ping utility for system administrator or webmaster to check network connection.
Ping one address (a domain name or an IP address) or a group of addresses at one time.
Check out the location of a specific IP address/domain name/URL
Draw an URL from a website and monitor the connection
Evaluate the connection by approximate speed
Have a detailed report on each ping
Check out the domain name for a specific IP address or the IP address for a domain name
Auto start the Utility Ping when your computer starts up
Save history information about ping sessions into Log files
Save a group of IP addresses or domain names into *.ipl files and load the files when needed
Easy-to-use interface and hotkey support.
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