<![CDATA[Messages posted by "msman"]]> /hvaonline/posts/listByUser/254428.html JForum - http://www.jforum.net Lỗi khi cài đặt dịch vụ DNS trên CENTOS /hvaonline/posts/preList/45078/278147.html#278147 /hvaonline/posts/preList/45078/278147.html#278147 GMT Lỗi khi cài đặt dịch vụ DNS trên CENTOS named.conf options { directory "/etc"; forwarders {;}; }; zone "." { type hint; file "/etc/root.db"; }; zone "test.com" { type master; file "/var/named/test.com.db"; }; zone "10.10.10.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "/var/named/10.10.10.rev.db"; }; 10.10.10.rev.db[color=red] [/color $ttl 1H @ IN SOA CENTOS-01.test.com. dngs2202@gmail.com. ( 1305741391 15M 10M 1D 1H ) @ IN NS CENTOS-01.test.com. 1 IN PTR CENTOS-03.test.com. 2 IN PTR CENTOS-01.test.com. 3 IN PTR CENTOS-02.test.com. test.com.db $ttl 1H @ IN SOA CENTOS-01.test.com. ( 1305740799 15M 10M 1D 1H ) IN NS CENTOS-01.test.com. IN MX 10 CENTOS-02 1D IN A CENTOS-03 1D IN A CENTOS-02 1D IN A CENTOS-01 1D IN A www 1D IN CNAME CENTOS-02 mail 1D IN CNAME CENTOS-02 ftp 1D IN CNAME CENTOS-02 root.db ( Chứa root hint dài qua ko post ) Mình dùng WinSCP kết nối tối server để copy các file vào các thư mục tương ứng: 10.10.10.rev.db và test.com.db => /var/named/chroot/var/named/ root.db và named.con => /var/named/chroot/etc/ Khi start dịch vụ named thì lại báo lỗi như sau : [root@CENTOS-02 ~]# service named start Starting named: Error in named configuration: dns_rdata_fromtext: /var/named/test.com.db:2: near eol: unexpected end of input /var/named/test.com.db:4: unknown RR type '10M' zone test.com/IN: loading master file /var/named/test.com.db: unexpected end of input _default/test.com/IN: unexpected end of input dns_rdata_fromtext: /var/named/10.10.10.rev.db:2: near eol: unexpected end of input /var/named/10.10.10.rev.db:3: ignoring out-of-zone data (dngs2202.test.com) /var/named/10.10.10.rev.db:3: unknown RR type '15M' zone 10.10.10.in-addr.arpa/IN: loading master file /var/named/10.10.10.rev.db: unexpected end of input _default/10.10.10.in-addr.arpa/IN: unexpected end of input [FAILED] Ở đây máy mình muốn cấu hình dns là máy CENTOS-02.test.com có ip là Cảm ơn mọi người nhé , mọi người giúp mình với :) hi]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/45078/278120.html#278120 /hvaonline/posts/preList/45078/278120.html#278120 GMT Cách viết Script đơn giản cho window server /hvaonline/posts/preList/44893/277010.html#277010 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44893/277010.html#277010 GMT Cách viết Script đơn giản cho window server /hvaonline/posts/preList/44893/276928.html#276928 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44893/276928.html#276928 GMT Hỏi về mạng LAN /hvaonline/posts/preList/44748/276395.html#276395 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44748/276395.html#276395 GMT Decode File Backup Config của Router Dlink /hvaonline/posts/preList/44142/272750.html#272750 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44142/272750.html#272750 GMT Confirugation using Sisco IOS /hvaonline/posts/preList/44110/272749.html#272749 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44110/272749.html#272749 GMT Giúp mình cấu hình chỗ này với...... /hvaonline/posts/preList/44011/272059.html#272059 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44011/272059.html#272059 GMT Biến môi trường .PS2+ TERM /hvaonline/posts/preList/43350/269137.html#269137 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43350/269137.html#269137 GMT Giúp đỡ về kết nối mạng Centos 5.5 trên VMware 8 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43327/269085.html#269085 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43327/269085.html#269085 GMT Giúp đỡ về kết nối mạng Centos 5.5 trên VMware 8 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43327/269067.html#269067 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43327/269067.html#269067 GMT BIND: ý nghĩa của các fields trong một Resource Record? /hvaonline/posts/preList/43331/269065.html#269065 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43331/269065.html#269065 GMT Giup em SSH vao Centos VMWare /hvaonline/posts/preList/43252/268786.html#268786 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43252/268786.html#268786 GMT Giup em SSH vao Centos VMWare /hvaonline/posts/preList/43252/268775.html#268775 /hvaonline/posts/preList/43252/268775.html#268775 GMT