 .::Others::. Mega Tokyo Comic Ripper Go to original post Author: KVD - Translator:  - Entry Date: 13/02/2009 09:32:50
Mega Tokyo Comic Ripper


#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:
Author: tAK Telapis

Script Function: Grab MegaTokyo Comics
Template AutoIt script.

Create the directory c:\MegaTokyo\ before starting this script
im not sure if it gets auto created. and its neater if it doesnt.
on the 4th line up from the bottom, $i is matched to a number,
this number should be set to the number of the most current comic
as viewable at , simple right click the
current comic, and choose properties. the number is used as part
of the filename.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

; ---------------------------------
; Set main variables here - directory for comics to be saved here, startubg comic number ($i), set file types
; ---------------------------------
$MTFolder = "C:\MegaTokyo\"
$i = 1
$gif = ".gif"
$jpg = ".jpg"

While 1 ; begin the loop
; ---------------------------------
; Set the file name for the comics as 000 is lost in calculations, default to .gif files
; ---------------------------------
$len = StringLen($i)
If $len = 1 then
$ComicName = ("000"&$i)
ElseIf $len = 2 then
$ComicName = ("00"&$i)
ElseIf $len = 3 Then
$ComicName = ("0"&$i)

; ---------------------------------
; Set the URL of the comic wanted, this keeps the InetGet function clean, check if .gif is valid, if not, change to .jpg
; ---------------------------------
$Url = ""
$URLSize = InetGetSize(""&$ComicName&$gif)
If $URLSize = 0 then
$ComicName = ($ComicNAme&$jpg)
$ComicName = ($ComicName&$gif)

; ---------------------------------
; get the file, and save it to the MTFolder with the calculated ComicName
; ---------------------------------
InetGet ($url&$ComicName, $MTFolder&$ComicNAme)
; Check to see if the file exists
If $MTFolder&$ComicName = -1 then
MsgBox(16, "Error", "Failed to get comic # "&$ComicName)
; Check to see that the file has size
$Size = FileGetSize($MTFolder&$ComicName)
If $Size <= 1 then
MsgBox(16, "File size is null for", $MTFolder&$ComicName" File size was "&$size)
; increase the comic number by 1 to get the next comic
$i = $i + 1
If $i == 887 Then
MsgBox(0, "End of Comics", "there are only 886 comics at the time of this script, happy reading")

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