<![CDATA[Messages posted by "memmos"]]> /hvaonline/posts/listByUser/276522.html JForum - http://www.jforum.net Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos Code:
# Last Modified: 05-31-2007
# NOTES: This config file provides you with some example command definitions
#        that you can reference in host, service, and contact definitions.
#        You don't need to keep commands in a separate file from your other
#        object definitions.  This has been done just to make things easier to
#        understand.

# These are some example notification commands.  They may or may not work on
# your system without modification.  As an example, some systems will require 
# you to use "/usr/bin/mailx" instead of "/usr/bin/mail" in the commands below.
# 'notify-host-by-email' command definition define command{ command_name notify-host-by-email command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n" | /bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$ } # 'notify-service-by-email' command definition define command{ command_name notify-service-by-email command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\n\nService: $SERVICEDESC$\nHost: $HOSTALIAS$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nState: $SERVICESTATE$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$SERVICEOUTPUT$\n" | /bin/mail -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Service Alert: $HOSTALIAS$/$SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$ }  

# This command checks to see if a host is "alive" by pinging it
# The check must result in a 100% packet loss or 5 second (5000ms) round trip 
# average time to produce a critical error.
# Note: Five ICMP echo packets are sent (determined by the '-p 5' argument)

# 'check-host-alive' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check-host-alive
        command_line    $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w 3000.0,80% -c 5000.0,100% -p 5

# These are some example service check commands.  They may or may not work on
# your system, as they must be modified for your plugins.  See the HTML 
# documentation on the plugins for examples of how to configure command definitions.
# NOTE:  The following 'check_local_...' functions are designed to monitor
#        various metrics on the host that Nagios is running on (i.e. this one).

# 'check_local_disk' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_local_disk
        command_line    $USER1$/check_disk -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -p $ARG3$

# 'check_local_load' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_local_load
        command_line    $USER1$/check_load -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$

# 'check_local_procs' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_local_procs
        command_line    $USER1$/check_procs -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -s $ARG3$

# 'check_local_users' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_local_users
        command_line    $USER1$/check_users -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$

# 'check_local_swap' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_local_swap
	command_line	$USER1$/check_swap -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$

# 'check_local_mrtgtraf' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_local_mrtgtraf
	command_line	$USER1$/check_mrtgtraf -F $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ -e $ARG5$

# NOTE:  The following 'check_...' commands are used to monitor services on
#        both local and remote hosts.

# 'check_ftp' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_ftp
        command_line    $USER1$/check_ftp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

# 'check_hpjd' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_hpjd
        command_line    $USER1$/check_hpjd -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

# 'check_snmp' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_snmp
        command_line    $USER1$/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

# 'check_http' command definition
define command{
        name    check_http
        command_name    check_http
        command_line    $USER1$/check_http -I $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

# 'check_ssh' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_ssh
	command_line	$USER1$/check_ssh $ARG1$ $HOSTADDRESS$

# 'check_dhcp' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_dhcp
	command_line	$USER1$/check_dhcp $ARG1$

# 'check_ping' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_ping
        command_line    $USER1$/check_ping -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -p 5

# 'check_pop' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_pop
        command_line    $USER1$/check_pop -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

# 'check_imap' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_imap
        command_line    $USER1$/check_imap -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

# 'check_smtp' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_smtp
        command_line    $USER1$/check_smtp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

# 'check_tcp' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_tcp
	command_line	$USER1$/check_tcp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ $ARG2$

# 'check_udp' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_udp
	command_line	$USER1$/check_udp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ $ARG2$

# 'check_nt' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_nt
	command_line	$USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 12489 -v $ARG1$ $ARG2$
# 'check_dns' command definition
define command{
	command_name	check_dns
	command_line	$USER1$/check_dns -s  $HOSTADDRESS$ -H $ARG1$- a $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ 

# These are sample performance data commands that can be used to send performance
# data output to two text files (one for hosts, another for services).  If you
# plan on simply writing performance data out to a file, consider using the 
# host_perfdata_file and service_perfdata_file options in the main config file.
# 'process-host-perfdata' command definition define command{ command_name process-host-perfdata command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$LASTHOSTCHECK$\t$HOSTNAME$\t$HOSTSTATE$\t$HOSTATTEMPT$\t$HOSTSTATETYPE$\t$HOSTEXECUTIONTIME$\t$HOSTOUTPUT$\t$HOSTPERFDATA$\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/var/host-perfdata.out } # 'process-service-perfdata' command definition define command{ command_name process-service-perfdata command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$LASTSERVICECHECK$\t$HOSTNAME$\t$SERVICEDESC$\t$SERVICESTATE$\t$SERVICEATTEMPT$\t$SERVICESTATETYPE$\t$SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME$\t$SERVICELATENCY$\t$SERVICEOUTPUT$\t$SERVICEPERFDATA$\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.out }  
trong command.cfg như này này bạn Trong libexec mình thấy có check_dns rùi Còn mình định nghĩa check_dns vs check_http trong cauhinhdns.cfg rùi mà ]]>
/hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276230.html#276230 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276230.html#276230 GMT
Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276225.html#276225 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276225.html#276225 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276221.html#276221 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276221.html#276221 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos

phuongnvt wrote:
Vẫn chưa thấy bạn bỏ phần định nghĩa hostgroup trong file windows.cfg, bạn chỉ cần thêm thằng winserver vào đây
#group windown define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name windows-servers alias Windows Servers members dnswebserver  
ngay chỗ members của file cauhinhdns.cfg 
Là sao hả bạn nghĩa là chỗ member mình ghi là winserver và bỏ phần hostgroup trong window.cfg á]]>
/hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276220.html#276220 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276220.html#276220 GMT
Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos

phuongnvt wrote:

memmos wrote:
Cảm ơn tất cả các bạn mình đã sửa được khi kiểm tra nagios là không bị lôi nữa nhưng mình lại bị Lỗi: không thể đọc máy chủ và thông tin trạng thái dịch vụ! khi đăng nhập vào nagios Mình không biết vậy là lỗi do đâu Nếu bạn nào biết giúp mình vs  
Thật tình không hiểu ý đồ của bạn muốn nói gì. 
/hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276218.html#276218 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276218.html#276218 GMT
Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos Hic nghĩa là mình kiểm tra nagios xem nó có bị lỗi gì ko ấy trước khi đăng nhập giao diện của nagios Tới khi mình đăng nhập vào thì nó báo lỗi mình không giám sát được gì bạn ah hic ]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276217.html#276217 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276217.html#276217 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos --> Nguyên văn tiếng Anh là gì?  Whoops! Error: Could not read host and service status information! The most common cause of this error message (especially for new users), is the fact that Nagios is not actually running. If Nagios is indeed not running, this is a normal error message. It simply indicates that the CGIs could not obtain the current status of hosts and services that are being monitored. If you've just installed things, make sure you read the documentation on starting Nagios. Some other things you should check in order to resolve this error include: Check the Nagios log file for messages relating to startup or status data errors. Always verify configuration options using the -v command-line option before starting or restarting Nagios! Make sure you read the documentation on installing, configuring and running Nagios thoroughly before continuing. If all else fails, try sending a message to one of the mailing lists. More information can be found at http://www.nagios.org. ]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276214.html#276214 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276214.html#276214 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos Code:
# định nghĩa máy chủ
define host{
        use                     linux-server          
        host_name              maynagios
        alias                   maynagios
#group windown
define hostgroup{
    hostgroup_name    	     windows-server    
    alias        	     Windows Servers    
    members        	     dnswebserver
# định nghĩa máy window
define host{
    use                windows-server    
    host_name          dnswebserver 
    alias              dnswebserver

define service{
    use           	   generic-service    
    host_name      	   dnswebserver,maynagios
    service_description    PING        
    check_command          check_ping!200.0,20%!600.0,60%    
#Giám sát CPU 
define service{
    use                   generic-service    
    host_name      	  dnswebserver
    service_description   CPULoad        
    check_command         check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90
#Giám sát tiến trình explorer
define service{
    use            	   generic-service    
    host_name        	   dnswebserver
    service_description    Explorer        
    check_command          check_nt!PROCSTATE!-d SHOWALL -l Explorer.exe
#Theo dõi phiên bản NSClient++
define service{
    use                    generic-service    
    host_name       	   dnswebserver
    service_description    NSClient++versions        
    check_command          check_nt!CLIENTVERSION
#Giám sát dung lượng bộ nhớ
define service{
    use           	   generic-service    
    host_name        	   dnswebserver
    service_description    Memory Usage    
    check_command          check_nt!MEMUSE!-w 80 -c 90
/hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276213.html#276213 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276213.html#276213 GMT
Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos Code:
# Last Modified: 06-13-2007
# NOTES: This config file assumes that you are using the sample configuration
#	 files that get installed with the Nagios quickstart guide.


# Define a host for the Windows machine we'll be monitoring
# Change the host_name, alias, and address to fit your situation

define host{
	use		windows-server	; Inherit default values from a template
	host_name	winserver	; The name we're giving to this host
	alias		My Windows Server	; A longer name associated with the host
	address	; IP address of the host


# Define a hostgroup for Windows machines
# All hosts that use the windows-server template will automatically be a member of this group

define hostgroup{
	hostgroup_name	windows-servers	; The name of the hostgroup
	alias		Windows Servers	; Long name of the group


# Create a service for monitoring the version of NSCLient++ that is installed
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
	use			generic-service
	host_name		winserver
	service_description	NSClient++ Version
	check_command		check_nt!CLIENTVERSION

# Create a service for monitoring the uptime of the server
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
	use			generic-service
	host_name		winserver
	service_description	Uptime
	check_command		check_nt!UPTIME
/hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276210.html#276210 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276210.html#276210 GMT
Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276206.html#276206 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276206.html#276206 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos Error: Template 'windows-servers' specified in host definition could not be not found (config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/cauhinhdns.cfg', starting on line 15) Error processing object config files! ]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276204.html#276204 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276204.html#276204 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276203.html#276203 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276203.html#276203 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos hostgroup_name windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup bạn ah Mình ko biết lỗi gì ]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276200.html#276200 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276200.html#276200 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos http://www.nagios.org Reading configuration data... Read main config file okay... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/timeperiods.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/templates.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/cauhinhdns.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/localhost.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/windows.cfg'... Warning: Duplicate definition found for hostgroup 'windows-servers' (config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/windows.cfg', starting on line 47) Error: Could not add object property in file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/windows.cfg' on line 48. Error processing object config files! ***> One or more problems was encountered while processing the config files... Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid directives and data defintions. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions may have been removed or modified in this version. Make sure to read the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the 'Whats New' section to find out what has changed. [root@localhost ~]# ]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276198.html#276198 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276198.html#276198 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276196.html#276196 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276196.html#276196 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276194.html#276194 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276194.html#276194 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos http://www.nagios.org Reading configuration data... Read main config file okay... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/timeperiods.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/templates.cfg'... Processing object config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/cauhinhdns.cfg'... Error: Unexpected token or statement in file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/cauhinhdns.cfg' on line 29. Error processing object config files! ***> One or more problems was encountered while processing the config files... Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid directives and data defintions. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions may have been removed or modified in this version. Make sure to read the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the 'Whats New' section to find out what has changed. ]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276193.html#276193 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276193.html#276193 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276191.html#276191 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276191.html#276191 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos # định nghĩa máy chủ define host{ use linux-server host_name maynagios alias maynagios address } # định nghĩa máy window define host{ use windows-server host_name dnswebserver alias dnswebserver address } #group windown define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name windows-servers alias Windows Servers members dnswebserver } #Ping define service{ use generic-service host_name dnswebserver,maynagios service_description PING check_command check_ping!200.0,20%!600.0,60% } #Giám sát CPU define service{ use generic-service host_name dnswebserver service_description CPULoad check_command check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90 } ]]> /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276190.html#276190 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276190.html#276190 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276187.html#276187 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276187.html#276187 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276177.html#276177 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276177.html#276177 GMT Giám sát Web server, DNS, FTP, Mail....bằng Nagios trên Centos /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276175.html#276175 /hvaonline/posts/preList/44802/276175.html#276175 GMT