<![CDATA[Messages posted by "MasterKuti"]]> /hvaonline/posts/listByUser/239665.html JForum - http://www.jforum.net Mỗi tuần một tiện ích
You can also insert the clipboard contents into your replacement text by using the %c operator. The other special bit of text is %|, which lets you designate a place you'd like the cursor to return to after the text is replaced. I use this all the time with HTML tags I've scripted with Texter. For example: (For some reason this video and the one below are sticking - just give YouTube's progress bar a little nudge.) <a href="%c">%|</a> If I've copied a URL to my clipboard, this replacement will paste the URL in the appropriate spot and place the cursor inside the anchor tag. This replacement alone (which I trigger by typing hre then hitting Tab) saves me countless keystrokes everyday and saves me the trouble of worrying that I may have forgotten to close a tag when I'm working on Lifehacker. Texter's other built-in variables are: %ds: Short date, which will return the date in the following format: 3/9/2007. %dl: Long date, which returns the date in the following format: Friday, March 09, 2007. %t: Time, which returns the time as follows: 1:30 PM. Advanced Use Full size In addition to basic text replacement described above, Texter also lets you perform more advanced scripting commands using keyboard shortcuts by selecting Script from the drop-down box. Again, to demonstrate, check out the video of how I use Texter to send personalized email replies in a few short keystrokes. The whole process happen may happen a little too quickly in the video for you to see what's happening, but I've scripted an action into Texter that sends the keystrokes necessary to copy the name of the email's sender, then paste the name into my personalized email reply. The text of that replacement is: +{Tab}^{Home}^+{Right}^c{Tab}{BS}Thanks for the email, ^v{BS}. There's a lot going on there, but it's actually much more simple than it may seem at first glance. Modifier keys like Alt, Control, and Shift are represented by special characters. They are: Special Characters in Texter Script mode Texter special character Keyboard equivalent # Windows key ! Alt key ^ Control key + Shift key So in the example above, ^c is the same as Ctrl-C (copy). You can also send literal keys, like Tab, Enter, Up, Down, Left, Right, and Backspace, just by wrapping them in curly brackets. For example, {Tab} will send a literal Tab. By extension, +{Tab} will send Shift-Tab, a combination that will move backwards in a form (which I use in the email example above). To send the literal forms of the special characters above, just wrap them in the same curly brackets. I mostly use this function to send personal replies to Lifehacker email, but it can also come in handy for filling in some forms (if you know what the layout will be). With the scripting feature, your imagination's the limit, and I'd love to hear how others might use it. 4. Download (server gốc của nó) http://edge-cache.gawker.com/lifehacker/Texter-Installer-0.6.exe]]>
/hvaonline/posts/preList/9861/236184.html#236184 /hvaonline/posts/preList/9861/236184.html#236184 GMT
ai cho tôi xin file ghost hoặc là cách để reset lại win

vodanh0123 wrote:
sao em không ghost được vậy ? nó hiện ra
nếu mình ko nhầm thì bạn chạy file ghost trực tiếp trên Win. Mình đã thử nhiều lần trên nhiều máy và cũng gặp hiện tượng này! Và cách khắc phục là dùng BOT (BOOT :D chẳng biết từ nào đúng)]]>
/hvaonline/posts/preList/38416/236182.html#236182 /hvaonline/posts/preList/38416/236182.html#236182 GMT
Máy chạy khá chậm! /hvaonline/posts/preList/38487/236181.html#236181 /hvaonline/posts/preList/38487/236181.html#236181 GMT