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Forum Index Thảo luận hệ điều hành *nix Cài driver cho RTL8168/8111  XML
  [Question]   Cài driver cho RTL8168/8111 07/11/2008 10:28:57 (+0700) | #1 | 157978

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Joined: 23/05/2008 11:00:25
Messages: 17
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Em đang xài CentOS 5, kernel-2.6.18-8.el5
Ethernet: Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC

Nhưng nó không nhận card mạng. Sau đó em tìm driver trên trang của Realtek phiên bản r8168-8.009.00.tar.bz2
về cài, thấy nó đòi hỏi phải có kernel source. Lại típ tục download kernel-2.6.18-8.1.8.el5.src.rpm và cài như sau
tar -ivh /usr/src/redhat/kernel-2.6.18-8.1.8.el5.src.rpm
#cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
#rpmbuild -bp --target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec
#cp -a /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.i686 /usr/src
#ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.18.i686 /usr/src/linux

xong em vào lib/modules/linux-2.6.18.i686 và thực hiện
[root@tinhyeu ~]# ll /lib/modules/2.6.18-8.el5
total 1108
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     26 Nov  6 17:54 build -> /usr/src/linux-2.6.18.i686
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root   4096 Oct 17 05:19 extra
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root   4096 Oct 17 05:17 kernel
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 236055 Oct 17 05:19 modules.alias
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     69 Oct 17 05:19 modules.ccwmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 180512 Oct 17 05:19 modules.dep
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     73 Oct 17 05:19 modules.ieee1394map
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    375 Oct 17 05:19 modules.inputmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   2160 Oct 17 05:19 modules.isapnpmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     74 Oct 17 05:19 modules.ofmap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 164718 Oct 17 05:19 modules.pcimap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    589 Oct 17 05:19 modules.seriomap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  91187 Oct 17 05:19 modules.symbols
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319111 Oct 17 05:19 modules.usbmap
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      5 Nov  5 22:42 source -> build
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 Mar 16  2007 updates
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 Mar 16  2007 weak-updates
[root@tinhyeu ~]#

Sau đó cài driver
#cd /soft/r8168-8.009.00
#make clean modules

thì xuất hiện 1 loạt lỗi sau

/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3330: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3333: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3339: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3340: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3348: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3351: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3357: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3358: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3360: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3379: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3382: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3388: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3389: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3397: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3400: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3406: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3407: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3409: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3430: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3433: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3439: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3440: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3448: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3451: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3457: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3458: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3461: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3468: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3476: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3479: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3485: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3486: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3493: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3496: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3502: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3503: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3513: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3525: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3528: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3534: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3535: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3542: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3545: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3551: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3552: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3567: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3569: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3577: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3580: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3582: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3585: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3587: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3595: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3598: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3603: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3606: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3611: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3619: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3622: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3627: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3630: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3637: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3637: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3637: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3639: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_tcp_csum_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3640: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_udp_csum_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3641: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_ip_csum_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3644: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_tcp_csum_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3645: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_udp_csum_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3646: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_ip_csum_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3653: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_is_read’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3654: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3654: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3655: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3655: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3656: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3656: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3657: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3657: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3658: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3658: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3659: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3659: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3660: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3660: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_byte’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3661: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3661: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3662: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3662: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3663: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3663: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3664: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_space’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3664: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3666: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘pci_cfg_is_read’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_change_mtu’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3681: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘max_jumbo_frame_size’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3682: error: ‘EINVAL’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3699:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3699:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3699:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_make_unusable_by_asic’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3713: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3714: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3714: error: implicit declaration of function ‘cpu_to_le32’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_free_rx_skb’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3724: error: implicit declaration of function ‘pci_unmap_single’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3724: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3724: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3733: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘u32’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_mark_to_asic’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3735: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3735: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘eor’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3737: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3737: error: ‘eor’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3737: error: ‘rx_buf_sz’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3742: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘dma_addr_t’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3743: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘u32’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_map_to_asic’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3745: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3745: error: implicit declaration of function ‘cpu_to_le64’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3745: error: ‘mapping’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3746: error: implicit declaration of function ‘wmb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3747: error: ‘rx_buf_sz’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3747: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_mark_to_asic’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_alloc_rx_skb’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3757: error: ‘dma_addr_t’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3757: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mapping’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3758: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3767: error: ‘mapping’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3767: error: implicit declaration of function ‘pci_map_single’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3767: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘data’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3770: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_map_to_asic’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3776: error: ‘ENOMEM’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_rx_clear’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3787: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘Rx_skbuff’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3788: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘Rx_skbuff’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3789: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3795: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘rtl8168_rx_fill’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_mark_as_last_descriptor’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3819: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_init_ring_indexes’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3825: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3826: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3827: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3828: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_tx_desc_init’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3836: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3836: error: too many arguments to function ‘memset’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3840: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_rx_desc_init’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3848: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3848: error: too many arguments to function ‘memset’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3852: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3854: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3856: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3858: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_init_ring’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3869: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_skb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3869: error: too many arguments to function ‘memset’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3870: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘Rx_skbuff’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3870: error: too many arguments to function ‘memset’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3875: error: implicit declaration of function ‘rtl8168_rx_fill’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3878: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3884: error: ‘ENOMEM’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_unmap_tx_skb’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3892: error: ‘struct ring_info’ has no member named ‘len’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3894: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3895: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3896: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts2’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3897: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3898: error: ‘struct ring_info’ has no member named ‘len’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_tx_clear’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3907: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3907: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3909: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_skb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3910: error: ‘struct ring_info’ has no member named ‘len’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3916: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3921: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3924: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3924: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3927:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3927:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3927:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3938: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘work_func_t’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_schedule_work’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3942: error: implicit declaration of function ‘PREPARE_DELAYED_WORK’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3942: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘task’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3942: error: ‘task’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3943: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘task’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3957:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3957:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3957:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3965:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3965:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3965:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3971:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3971:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3971:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3977:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3977:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3977:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_reinit_task’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3981: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘task’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3981: warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘__mptr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3981: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3981: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘task’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:3996: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4002: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_schedule_work’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4006:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4006:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4006:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_reset_task’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4015: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘task’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4015: warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘__mptr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4015: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4015: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘task’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4024: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4024: error: expected ‘)’ before numeric constant
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4024: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_rx_interrupt’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4027: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4027: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4035: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4040: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_schedule_work’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_tx_timeout’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4050: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_schedule_work’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4056: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘u32’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_xmit_frags’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4058: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘end’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4062: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4063: error: ‘struct skb_shared_info’ has no member named ‘nr_frags’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4064: error: ‘struct skb_shared_info’ has no member named ‘frags’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4065: error: ‘dma_addr_t’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4065: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mapping’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4066: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4066: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘status’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4067: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4071: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4072: error: ‘len’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4072: error: ‘skb_frag_t’ has no member named ‘size’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4073: error: ‘skb_frag_t’ has no member named ‘page_offset’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4074: error: ‘mapping’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4077: error: ‘status’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4077: error: ‘opts1’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4079: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4080: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4082: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_skb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4086: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_skb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4087: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4094: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘rtl8168_tso’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4097:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4097:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4097:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4114: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘rtl8168_tx_csum’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4118:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4118:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4118:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4132:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4132:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4132:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_start_xmit’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4145: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4146: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4148: error: ‘dma_addr_t’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4148: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mapping’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4149: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4149: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘status1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4150: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4151: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘opts2’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4152: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4155: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_fifo_overflow’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4158: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4158: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4158: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘end’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4159: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4167: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4170: error: ‘opts1’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4170: error: implicit declaration of function ‘rtl8168_tso’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4173: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4173: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4173: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4174: error: implicit declaration of function ‘rtl8168_tx_csum’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4176: error: ‘opts2’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4179: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_xmit_frags’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4181: error: ‘len’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4187: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_skb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4190: error: ‘mapping’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4190: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘data’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4192: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_skb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4193: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4194: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts2’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4194: error: implicit declaration of function ‘rtl8168_tx_vlan_tag’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4199: error: ‘status1’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4200: error: ‘status2’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4201: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4202: error: ‘struct TxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts2’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4206: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4212: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4212: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4212: error: ‘PAGE_SIZE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4215: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4215: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4224: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_pcierr_interrupt’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4233: error: ‘u16’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4233: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘pci_status’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4235: error: ‘pci_cmd’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4235: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4236: error: ‘pci_status’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4236: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_read_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4238: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4252: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4257: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_write_config_word’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_tx_interrupt’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4273: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4275: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4279: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘tx_skb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4280: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4280: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘len’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4281: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘status’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4283: error: implicit declaration of function ‘rmb’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4284: error: ‘status’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4284: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4288: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4288: error: ‘len’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4289: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4293: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4303: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4304: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4307: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4307: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_tx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4307: error: ‘PAGE_SIZE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4314: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘status’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_rx_csum’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4324: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4324: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4325: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘opts2’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4326: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘status’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4328: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4329: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4330: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4332: error: ‘status’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4332: error: ‘opts1’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4335: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘ip_summed’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4337: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘ip_summed’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4342: error: ‘opts2’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4343: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘ip_summed’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4345: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘ip_summed’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_try_rx_copy’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4363: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘data’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4365: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_mark_to_asic’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: At top level:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4375: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘u32’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_rx_interrupt’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4379: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4379: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘rx_quota’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4385: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4386: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4387: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘rx_quota’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4387: warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘_y’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4387: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘rx_quota’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4387: warning: comparison of distinct pointer types lacks a cast
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4389: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4389: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘Rx_skbuff’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4395: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4396: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘status’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4399: error: ‘status’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4399: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘opts1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4404: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4410: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4413: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4415: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4416: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4416: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_mark_to_asic’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4418: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘Rx_skbuff’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4420: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘dma_addr_t’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4421: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘size_t’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4421: error: ‘pci_dma_sync_single_for_device’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4428: error: implicit declaration of function ‘rtl8168_fragmented_frame’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4429: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4430: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4431: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4431: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_mark_to_asic’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4435: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cp_cmd’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4438: error: implicit declaration of function ‘pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4439: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4439: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4443: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4444: error: ‘pci_unmap_single’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4445: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘Rx_skbuff’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4448: error: ‘struct RxDesc’ has no member named ‘addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4449: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_buf_sz’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4449: error: too many arguments to function ‘pci_action’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4455: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘protocol’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4455: error: implicit declaration of function ‘eth_type_trans’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4460: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4461: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4465: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4466: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4468: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4468: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4469: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4471: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4480: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘dirty_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4480: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘cur_rx’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4480: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4491:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4491:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4491:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_interrupt’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4503: error: ‘u16’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4503: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘intr_clean_mask’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4523: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘intr_mask’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4524: error: ‘intr_clean_mask’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4526: error: ‘rtl8168_intr_mask’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4531: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘mcfg’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4532: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_fifo_overflow’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4540: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rx_fifo_overflow’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4556: error: ‘rtl8168_napi_event’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4558: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘intr_mask’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4560: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘napi’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4560: error: too many arguments to function ‘netif_rx_schedule_prep’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4561: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘napi’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4561: error: too many arguments to function ‘__netif_rx_schedule’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4562: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4582: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4593:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4593:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4593:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4596: warning: ‘return’ with no value, in function returning non-void
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_poll’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4603: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘napi’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4603: warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘__mptr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4603: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4603: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘napi’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4609: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4609: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘budget’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4609: error: too many arguments to function ‘rtl8168_rx_interrupt’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4615: error: too many arguments to function ‘netif_rx_complete’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4616: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘intr_mask’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4616: error: ‘rtl8168_intr_mask’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_down’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4642: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘esd_timer’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4647:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4647:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4647:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4661:6: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4661:28: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4661:42: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4668:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4668:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4668:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4636: warning: unused variable ‘poll_locked’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_close’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4702: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4703: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxPhyAddr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4704: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4705: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxPhyAddr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4706: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘TxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4707: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘RxDescArray’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_set_rx_mode’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4718: error: ‘u32’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4718: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mc_filter’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4719: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4720: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘tmp’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4724: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘msg_enable’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4731: error: ‘mc_filter’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4743: error: implicit declaration of function ‘bitreverse’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4743: error: implicit declaration of function ‘crc32_le’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4743: error: ‘struct dev_mc_list’ has no member named ‘dmi_addr’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4752: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rtl8168_rx_config’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4752: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘chipset’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4753: error: ‘tmp’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4753: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘rtl8168_rx_config’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4753: error: ‘struct rtl8168_private’ has no member named ‘chipset’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4756: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘mask’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4757: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘tmp1’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4758: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘tmp2’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4759: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4763: error: ‘tmp1’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4763: error: ‘mask’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4768: error: ‘tmp2’ undeclared (first use in this function)
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c: In function ‘rtl8168_get_stats’:
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4801: error: ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘stats’
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4963:5: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4963:26: warning: "KERNEL_VERSION" is not defined
/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.c:4963:40: error: missing binary operator before token "("
make[3]: *** [/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [_module_/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.18.i686'
make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src'
make: *** [modules] Error 2

Các anh có thể giúp em biết đây là lỗi gì và cách khắc phục không ah. Em đã search trong google. Cũng có bạn bị trường hợp này nhưng em chưa thấy cách khắc phục
Thnks in advance
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  [Question]   Re: Cài driver cho RTL8168/8111 08/11/2008 04:32:53 (+0700) | #2 | 158047
Elite Member

[Minus]    0    [Plus]
Joined: 17/03/2003 15:58:47
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cách khắc phục dễ nhất là up lên CentOS 5.2 smilie
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  [Question]   Re: Cài driver cho RTL8168/8111 08/11/2008 11:28:43 (+0700) | #3 | 158093

[Minus]    0    [Plus]
Joined: 23/05/2008 11:00:25
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htt1 wrote:
cách khắc phục dễ nhất là up lên CentOS 5.2 smilie 

thnks ý kiến của bạn, chắc ý bạn là mình phải recompile kernel lại hả? Chắc phải có cách khắc phục chứ smilie
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  [Question]   Re: Cài driver cho RTL8168/8111 09/11/2008 02:49:28 (+0700) | #4 | 158163

[Minus]    0    [Plus]
Joined: 07/07/2008 23:49:23
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Bạn không cần biên dịch lại nhân mà sử dụng gói sau để fix lại module cho card Realtek.

# Download one of the following:
# or
# or

# copy this file to a USB stick/floppy etc so you can get on the machine.



chmod 777 r8168-8.009.00.tar.bz2

tar -jxvf r8168-8.009.00.tar.bz2
cd $WORKING_DIR/r8168-8.009.00

modprobe -r r8169


mv /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/r8169.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/r8169.ko.old
depmod -a

# To save the current ramdiscimage and make a new one:
mv /boot/initrd-`uname -r`.img /boot/initrd-`uname -r`.img.old
mkinitrd -f -v /boot/initrd-`uname -r`.img `uname -r`

smilie smilie
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  [Question]   Re: Cài driver cho RTL8168/8111 10/11/2008 23:39:17 (+0700) | #5 | 158332
Elite Member

[Minus]    0    [Plus]
Joined: 17/03/2003 15:58:47
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wormkid wrote:

htt1 wrote:
cách khắc phục dễ nhất là up lên CentOS 5.2 smilie 

thnks ý kiến của bạn, chắc ý bạn là mình phải recompile kernel lại hả? Chắc phải có cách khắc phục chứ smilie  

ý của mình không phải recompile lại kernel đâu,tại lúc trước có cài CentOS 5.2 nghịch thử,pc của mình cũng có card mạng RTL8168/8111 như bạn,thấy nó nhận ngon lành card mạng nên mới nói với bạn là up lên CentOS 5.2 là vậy smilie
bạn cũng nên làm thử cách của chihaxinh. thử xem sao .
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  [Question]   Re: Cài driver cho RTL8168/8111 11/11/2008 06:12:26 (+0700) | #6 | 158386

[Minus]    0    [Plus]
Joined: 23/05/2008 11:00:25
Messages: 17
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htt1 wrote:

wormkid wrote:

htt1 wrote:
cách khắc phục dễ nhất là up lên CentOS 5.2 smilie 

thnks ý kiến của bạn, chắc ý bạn là mình phải recompile kernel lại hả? Chắc phải có cách khắc phục chứ smilie  

ý của mình không phải recompile lại kernel đâu,tại lúc trước có cài CentOS 5.2 nghịch thử,pc của mình cũng có card mạng RTL8168/8111 như bạn,thấy nó nhận ngon lành card mạng nên mới nói với bạn là up lên CentOS 5.2 là vậy smilie
bạn cũng nên làm thử cách của chihaxinh. thử xem sao . 

mình cũng đã thử cách trên của bạn chihaxinh, nhưng bị lỗi ngay khi thực hiện make
make[3]: *** [/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src/r8168_n.o] Error 1
 make[2]: *** [_module_/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src] Error 2
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.18.i686'
 make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/soft/r8168-8.009.00/src'
 make: *** [modules] Error 2

hix, chắc fải up lên kernel 2.6.26 wá
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